Monday, December 31, 2012

The Word of the Year

 You know how some bloggers choose a single word that they keep in lieu of a New Year's resolution? Since I'm not very good at keeping resolutions (Many of my birthday resolutions have already fallen by the wayside) I decided to try it this year. I've been thinking about this for all of five minutes, but I know without a doubt what my word is going to be. It's by no means a new concept for me and it's not unfamiliar around this little blog of mine. In fact, it's the title: the word I've chosen for 2013 is serendipity.

This year I want to just embrace life. As I've said so many times before, everything is so wonderful right now. Rather than try to change it I want to learn to appreciate it more. To smile at the little things. To step back and just admire the beauty of life, to take in the simplicity rather than try to complicate it. This year I want to prove that life was made for living.

1 comment:

  1. One year I chose "radical" and ended up sounding like a surfer a lot. Go take life on like the big, wild crazy adventure that it is :)


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