Monday, May 13, 2013

TIme Flies When You're Having Fun.

As of Thursday, I finished my first year of college. It's a strange feeling, being finished with a whole year already. Didn't I just graduate from high school a month or two ago? It's funny how the days seem to go so slowly, but the months fly by so fast. Last year at this time, I was a senior, finishing up my last year of high school. Anticipating graduation. Slacking off on my schoolwork because it's what seniors do.

And now here I am. One year older, with a quarter of my college career under my belt. New friends. A boy who somehow became my boyfriend and best friend. Looking forward to a Summer full of backyard picnics, spontaneous day-trips, friendship, laughter and sunsets. And I can't wait.



  1. That's so awesome that you're done with school! :) I get out on Thursday, but first I have four finals to get through, haha. :P And that's so awesome about the boy. ;)


  2. Congrats! I finished my first year of college too! :) I look back and see how much I've developed as a person and were I am now.

  3. Wow!! Congratulations!!! How neat is that!!! What are you going more?
    Btw, I tagged you over at my blog. Have no clue if you DO tags, but I hope you will!! :D

    1. Thanks so much! I'll definitely check it out :)


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