It's amazing how often I get asked that question. Usually, I'm not even aware that I am smiling, but there I sit with a goofy grin on my face. Usually my reply is "nothing" followed by blushing and looking down at my shoes because I've embarrassed myself again.
But then I wonder what AM I smiling at? And usually the answer is a conversation I had yesterday, the weather forecast for tomorrow, an inside joke that someone's words reminded me of. Something in my little world that makes my heart so happy that I can't help but show it. And as embarrassing as this strange habit is for me, I'm coming to realize that that's just who I am. A girl who can't help but smile because life makes her deliriously happy. And there's nothing wrong with that.
Absolutely Kristin, there is nothing wrong with smiling at the good life God has given us! Kepp smiling, sweet friend:)