Saturday, April 13, 2013

Awkward | Awesome

I got this idea from Victoria at Little Words and Lessons Learned. Here's some awkward and awesome from the past week:

The power going out at work on Wednesday
Leaving my window open and waking up frozen
Dropping my phone and having the battery fly across the floor
Wanting to drink hot tea a few days ago even though it was about 80 degrees outside

This youtube video. You will die laughing. I promise.
Making cheesecake brownies for work
The fried apple things I discovered at work (to die for)
Walking around town with my bestfriend
Watching Gilligan's Island and corny youtube videos with friends and the boy

This was actually a lot of fun. I just might make it a semi-regular feature.

1 comment:

  1. That video is hilarious! Yes, I has laughing hard. This week I found myself watching too many (corny,funny) Youtube videos with my sister. Good times!


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