Sunday, September 2, 2012

Take This as you Will.

**This is an idea that I got from Katie's blog** 
Things that say a lot about a person:
the way in which they treat the waiter/waitress
how they feel about the weather
whether they dog ear pages or highlight in books
and hands in general
their preferred creative outlet
how much they dread/enjoy talking on the phone
whether or not they drink coffee
if they ever forget to eat
how honest they are with themselves (and others)
if they correct your grammar
and whether or not they get nervous before haircuts.

What they say about me (or more accurately what I say about them):
the way in which they treat the waiter/waitress: I'm never mean to a waiter or waitress, and I always try to give a reasonable tip, even if the service wasn't the greatest.
how they feel about the weather: I obsess about the weather at times. I love rainy days. I love sunny days. I love snowy days as long as I have nowhere to be. I love noticing the seasons change. I pretty much love all weather as long as, in winter especially, I don't have to make any special effort to be somewhere.
whether they dog ear pages or highlight in books: I will say that I am guilty to dog-earing pages, if I don't have a book mark at hand, but I make the fold as small as possible and try to uncrease it when I open the book. As for highlighting, I may occasionally underline in pencil in my own books, but I absolutely do not highlight in them. It looks unsightly to me.
fingernails: Okay, this is rather odd to talk about. I rarely paint my fingernails, but I trim them, and I suppose they look nice enough.
and hands in general: Another rather strange one. My hands are small. I don't like wearing rings and I only wear the occasional hair tie around my wrist.
their preferred creative outlet: Writing. Most definitely.
how much they dread/enjoy talking on the phone: I really don't like talking to people on the phone. I'd much rather have a conversation face to face. I occasionally need to talk to people on the phone at work, but I've never quite gotten used to it.
whether or not they drink coffee: I do. It's delicious. But, I have to load it down with sugar and milk or flavored creamers. Black coffee is not my style.
if they ever forget to eat: I am entirely too in love with food to forget to eat it. I may at times neglect to eat breakfast. But forget? Never.
how honest they are with themselves (and others): I'd say I'm a pretty honest person. I try to be brutally honest with myself.
if they correct your grammar: Only if I know you very well and feel that you should know better.
and whether or not they get nervous before haircuts: No, but I haven't had a drastic haircut in a while, and I'm sure that if I did, I would be freaking out.

Draw what conclusions you will from the above statements.


  1. Loved reading this, Kristin! Do you mind if I steal it sometime soon to do a blog post of my own? ;)

    1. Go for it! It wasn't even my idea in the first place.

  2. Loved this Kristin :)
    I personally am always nice to a waiter or waitress, just because I fell like they deserve it.
    I always dog ear my pages, but only if it is my own book, and the only book that I ever highlight or write in is the Bible.
    When it comes to fingernails, well, I never do anything with mine except cut them. And every once in a while I MIGHT just let my sister talk me into letting her paint them ;)
    And when it comes to coffee, I only really like flavored coffee like lattes, frappes, cappucinos, and so on...
    And no, I will never forget to eat.



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