Tuesday, September 18, 2012

On Blogging Thus Far.

I've been blogging for nearly half a year now, and I must say that for the most part I have enjoyed it immensely. I've had my ups and downs, my insecurities about followers and page views, but I've come to terms with all of that. I'm learning more about who I am as a blogger, what my blogging "style" really is. My favorite posts to write are the impromptu ones, the ones that I write out in ten or fifteen minutes and publish without saving to tweak later. I love writing posts that help you get to know me better, and help me get to know myself better in the process. I love having somewhere to write my thoughts, and how certain things make me feel, and to share the little things that make me smile, because maybe they'll make you smile too. When I first started I didn't know whether this blogging venture would last, but I can't imagine my life without blogging now. Lastly, I would like to thank you, my few sweet, lovely readers. I say quality is better than quantity. Thanks for being awesome!


  1. According to your blog archive on the sidebar, you've been blogging here at The Great Perhaps since March, which is the exact same month that I began blogging! What fun! I love blogging! :D

  2. I am so glad you came to the blogging world Kristin! I love your blog! :)


  3. I'm not sure when exactly I found your blog, but I do know that through every one of your posts, has come blessings for me. You are such a special girl, and I have REALLY enjoyed getting to know you through everything. You have an amazing gift for writing, and have blessed me beyond measure, with many of your posts. I really hope that you don't stop blogging soon, because within these past few months, your blog has become one of my favorites ♥


    1. Thank you so much! You have no idea how much your encouragement has meant to me throughout this whole blogging thing.

  4. Happy nearly 6 months of blogging. :)
    I just wanted to say thanks for dropping the sweet note on my blog, it was wonderful. And your blog is absolutely precious, and I'm now following!


    1. Thank you so much! And thanks for following. :)


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