Friday, July 19, 2013


I have this theory that every person has one season, one time of year, where they feel the most like themselves. The season when they feel the most alive. For me, that season is Fall. Actually, to be precise, it's the four month span of September through December. I just love the transition from the heat and the green to cool nights and colorful trees. I love the way time seems to slip by in blue skies and falling leaves until before I know it, it's Thanksgiving, the segue into the Christmas season. Soon the leaves have all fallen and the weather is getting colder - perfect for cups of tea to warm my fingers and cozy blankets and books. And then the Christmas season is in full swing: decorations and lights are everywhere and the whole world feels just a little bit more cheerful. I absolutely love everything about it. There's nothing quite like it.

And now here are some photos I've been aching over:

What is your favorite season?


  1. This is an interesting theory...and ohh this gives me an idea for a writing piece. Thank you! And I like summer.

    1. You're welcome :) Make sure to let me know if you post it, I'd love to read it!

  2. Fall is my favorite too! I was just telling somebody the other day, that I'm already sick of the heat and can't WAIT for fall. I love that cool crisp air and the smell of it.

  3. oh girl, you just made me crave Fall!! haha :)


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