Thursday, January 10, 2013

Reader Quirks

I like reading quite a lot, in case you haven't already figured that out. Yesterday I was shocked to learn that my friend didn't even know who Jane Austen was. There are things like that that I just take for granted that everyone knows. How can you live 18 years and make your way through high school without learning about or at least hearing mention of Jane Austen? It really made me think. I love being a reader. I love knowing things, little tidbits that I've picked up from the different novels I've read. I love knowing the answers to the literary questions on Jeopardy. I love feeling intelligent when people ask about the books I've read and the authors I'm familiar with. I love knowing the plots and being able to quote the "classic" books. I have this constant need to read more books. Any kind will do. Classic. Modern. Dystopian fiction. Fairytales. Even some horror books (more in the vein of Dracula and Frankenstein than Stephen King).
I'll be the first to admit that I have some reader quirks of my own. I rarely, if ever, use bookmarks. I know it's a horrible habit, but I just fold the corner of the page down. I often read a bit from the last few pages before I get there, or sometimes before I even start the book. Sometimes I read something important and spoil things for myself, but sometimes it gives me a reason to keep reading at a certain point in the book. I'll carry a book everywhere I go, even if I'm sure I won't need it. Because really, you never know. It's a large part of the reason I even carry a purse. I don't feel at all comfortable writing in my books, even to underline a quote I like. It just feels wrong to me somehow. I do like reading what others have written or seeing what they've underlined though.
So that's me. Bookworm. Lover of words. Reader. I wouldn't have it any other way.

In other news, and somewhat the inspiration for this post, I've started a book blog on Tumblr. I've wanted to for a while, and two days ago I finally went ahead and did it. I like to think of it as sort of making up for the 365 blog that I left miserably incomplete. I mainly reblog pretty book pictures and quotes I like, but I plan on posting reviews from time to time.
Check it out if you'd like:


  1. I never use bookmarks. But I don't fold pages either. I just search for my spot every time I pick my book up ... which can be time consuming.

    I noticed you found me on tumblr! Kinda funny that we both started a bookish sort of blog at the same time. =)

    1. I noticed that! I just happened to see the link to tumblr on your blog.

  2. I feel bad for folding the pages, personally. I love reader quirks, I just think they're so cute :)

  3. I always bring a book too. In fact, all of your quirks apply to me as well... besides the dog-earing the pages. I hate doing that. Lol. And I don't like to underline in my novels, but I will in my Bible and other "spiritual" type books for things I want to remember. I bought a novel at a thrift store once that was chock full of underlines and highlights and notes written in the margins and I loved it. I would never, ever, put that many notes in my book I think, but I loved reading things the previous reader noticed that I never did.

    I want to go read now. haha.

  4. P.S. your blog button seems to not be working still :( I don't know if it's the button or my blog! Anyway if you get it working let me know and I'll add :)

  5. I think I could never dog ear a book! But then I might underline something if I really like it. I'm always scolding my family to not fold the pages. I think it's interesting hearing each reader's book reading habits. :)

  6. Hey! Love your blog and just started to follow!

    ~Rebecca (


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