Monday, October 21, 2013

Book Chewers Linkup

I don't get to do these very often because I'm busy busy busy (Christmas break can't come soon enough) but this one sounded too fun not to do!
Here's the prompt: What are your favorite book covers? Why do you like them? Because it's simple, brightly-colored, mysterious? Make a list of at least three and explain why you like them!

It's going to be so difficult to choose just three! But, here goes...
This. This this this. This. I just recently discovered this cover, while writing my post over on The Book Chewers about Anne book covers. And I fell in love. It's just gorgeous that's all. I can't even think of any other reason that I like it so much. I think that pretty much says it all.
This is one of those covers that kind of makes more sense after you read the book. To me it's a really accurate picture of the way she just seems to pour the words from her coffee cup in her letter to Ed (which is essentially what the book is).
I had such a hard time picking a third one since there are just so many! But this is another one that I thought makes so much sense once you've read the book. The tiny plant growing up out of the hard, cold, snowy ground says so much about Lina during her time in the camp.

Feel free to link up yourself! They're always tons of fun.


Thanks for commenting! It truly makes my day.